Aurora Rotary Club members and their families were out early for Roadside Cleanup. Our club covers the 2-mile stretch on Hwy 34 East of The Leadership Center. This is an annual project for our Club.
Tom Kerfoot, Rotary District 5650 Governor, spoke to our club and inspired us with the direction of the district and magical new theme.
12th Street Cinema is almost completely operated by volunteer support. Rotarians vollunteer one Friday each month to work the concession stand and support the missions of Rotary and 12th Street Cinema.
We are proud to announce Benjamin Dennis as the 2024-2025 President of Aurora Rotary Club. Benjamin is also a Past President of York Rotary Club. His leadership and experience are a great asset to our Club!
Every year, Rotarians volunteer at A'ROR'N Days to provide rides on the Kiddie Train. This year, 239 children rode the Rotary train. These funds will be donated to Rotary International.
Lucas Riley is the 2024 recipient of the Aurora Rotary Club Scholarship. Lucas is a graduating senior from Aurora High School. He plans to attend the University of Nebraska at Omaha and study business finance and entrepreneurship.
Ethan Ramaekers is the 2024 recipient of the Frank M. Farr Rotary Club of Aurora Scholarship. Ethan is a graduate of Aurora High School and plans to attend the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to study sports media/communications/computer arts.
Aurora Rotary Club members and their families volunteered to ring bells this year. Each year these kettles raise funds that support local needs. Rotarians have participated in bell ringing for many years.
Aurora Rotary Club members, their families and youth in the community were out early for Roadside Cleanup. Our club is responsible for the 2-mile stretch on Hwy 34 East of The Leadership Center. This is an annual project for the Club.
Rotarian Tammy Morris, along with Harper (7 yrs old) and Everett (4 years old), held their second lemonade stand. $136 was raised to benefit Aurora Rotary Club!
Aurora Rotary Club welcomes Courtney Richardson as 2023-2024 Club President.
Outgoing President, Jim Ediger, passes the gavel to the 2023-2024 incoming President, Courtney Richardson. Brett Mitchell presented a plaque to Jim Ediger recognizing his leadership of the club during the 2022-2023 Rotary year.
Brett Mitchell gets the Kiddie Train ready for another family night at A'ROR'N Days. Almost 200 kids rode the train this year.
Camden Holliday received the 2023 Aurora Rotary Club Scholarship and shared about his future college and career plans.
Madisyn Willis attended a meeting as the recipient of the Frank M. Farr Rotary Club of Aurora Scholarship.
Congratulations to Aurora Rotary Club's new Paul Harris Fellows, Kurt Mitchell and Jeff Morris. Our club has eight Paul Harris Fellows!
Curran Vetter was honored with the Rotary District 5650 Club Golden Wheel Award during the District Banquet held at Innovation Campus this weekend. Curran was selected by our local Aurora Rotary Club. Below, District 5650 Governor, Barbara Bartle, presented Curran with this distinguished honor.
This year Aurora Rotary Club raised funds in our annual raffle to award two $1,000 scholarships.
The Aurora Rotary Club is part of the Nebraska Adopt-a-Highway Program. We had a group of Rotarians who cleaned up our 2-mile stretch on highway 34 just east of town.
Introducing Aurora Rotary Club's 2022-2023 President, Jim Ediger.
Brett Mitchell receives a plaque for his service as the 2022-2023 Club President.
The Aurora Rotary Club was at it again this October, cleaning up a 2-mile stretch of highway 34 just east of town.
Rotary members and community volunteers collected an estimated 24,000 pounds of hazardous waste, computer components, and paper ready for shredding. Approximately 150 vehicles loaded with paint, pesticides, aerosols and other hazardous materials drove through the Hamilton County Fairgrounds between 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Saturday, October 16th.
Rotarian Tammy Morris brought her granddaughter, five year old Harper Carriker, to Rotary where Harper shared that she would be having a lemonade stand this week with the proceeds to benefit Aurora Rotary Club. Harper's lemonade stand raised $204!
Rotary continued the tradition of offering rides on the Kiddie Train to over 100 kids at A-ROR-N Days this year.
After a break due to COVID, Brett Mitchell serves as the 2021-2022 Club President. Aurora Rotary Club is beginning with a fresh start by meeting the first and third Wednesday each month and meetings have moved to The Leadership Center.
District Governor visits Aurora Rotary Club

Kathryn Schubert, 2023-2024 Rotary District 5650 Governor, visited Aurora Rotary Club to share the vision for this year.
Service Above Self
Aurora, NE
United States of America